Hanscraft HC 7

Gamintojas: Hanscraft Modelis: HC 7 9675 € 10750 €

Šią prekę galite įsigyti su SB lizingu.

227 €/mėn.leasing

Trumpai apie prekę:

Penkių vietų modelis su 3 sėdimomis ir 2 gulimomis vietomis. 61 purkštukas. 

Standartinėje komplektacijoje yra: vandens krioklys, apšvietimas, UV sterilizatorius, termoizoliacinis dangtis.

Papildomai galima užsakyti WiFi modulį, audio sistemą bei MicroSilk purkštukus.


Detali informacija:

HC 7 Spacious whirlpool where you can relax with the whole family. HC7, designed for 5 people, offers 2 sun loungers and 3 seating. It is assembled with 61 jets (53 hydromassage and 8 air jets). The standard equipment includes color LED lighting, anatomic head rests, waterfall, control system, titanium water heater, thermocouple, thermocouple jack, UV and durable side panels.

Hanccraft HC series cabinet colorsHanscraft shell colors

Dimensions 220 x 220 x 93 cm
Water capacity 1 350 l
Number of seats 5
Sitting seats 3
Lounge seats 2
Weight 300 kg
Air jets 8
Hydromassage jets 53
AIR X® jets optional
Circulation pump 1 two speed 2,2 kW
Circulation pump 2 one speed 2,2 kW
Control system and heater Balboa TP800 3 kW
Filtration Skim filter CMP, USA
Shell Lucite, USA
Color LED lighting 8x
Spa LED light 1x
Jets stainless steelyes
LED backlit jets yes
Air blower yes (incl. heating)
Waterfall yes
Cabinet WPC
UV sanitizer yes

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