Hanscraft Celtic 7

Gamintojas: Hanscraft Modelis: Celtic 7 8436 € 8880 €

Šią prekę galite įsigyti su SB lizingu.

227 €/mėn.leasing

Trumpai apie prekę:

Penkių vietų modelis su 3 sėdimomis ir 2 gulimomis vietomis. 42 purkštukas. 

Standartinėje komplektacijoje yra: vandens krioklys, apšvietimas, termoizoliacinis dangtis.




Detali informacija:

Celtic SPA 7  fits up to 5 people with its 3 regular seats and 2 lounge seats. A total amount of 34 hydromassage jets provides a thorough, effective and relaxing massage for your whole body. The standard equipment includes a color LED lighting, anatomical head rests, a waterfall, a control and titanium heater system, a thermal cover and durable side panels.

Hanccraft HC series cabinet colorsHanscraft shell colors

Dimensions 220 x 220 x 93 cm
Water capacity 1 350 l
Number of seats 5
Sitting seats 3
Lounge seats 2
Weight 280 kg
Air jets 8
Hydromassage jets 34
Circulation and massage pump dual speed 2,2 kW
Control system and heater Balboa TP600, 3 kW
Filtration Skim filter CMP, USA
Shell Lucite/Aristech, USA
Color LED lighting yes
Spa LED light yes
Jets stainless steel/plastic
LED backlit jets no
Air blower yes (incl. heating)
Waterfall yes
SPA audio system no
Subwoofer no

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